Thursday, April 15, 2010


sorry haven't been writing. A lot to talk about. Like here's NO end of the year play. MAKES ME SAD JUST THINKING ABOUT IT! I've been waiting since kindergarten! BOO HOO! Also I'm going to go to DISNEY LAND! HURRAY! Got an A on my English test! Got a b- on math. B on history. And well i forgot on science. my wonderful nieces are getting so big. Karalee is talking in complete sentences. and Audree is almost a year old! Still waiting on baby girl to be born. And even though she's not my ''related'' i think of Emily as my niece. Emily's getting big too. Ill miss all the Bucks when they move to Seattle. Today is parent teacher conference! I HOPE THAT THE TEACHER WILL ONLY HAVE GOOD THINGS TO SAY!

here's a pic: this is a pic i took of mom and jase and jamin! cool effects right.
ps: send me a comment!
{)i(} maddy

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you write a play and put it on with your friends...I did this in 4th grade and ended up doing the skit for the school chapel! You would be great!!



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Maddy's Blog! i love sports, singing, having fun, goofing off, school, friends, and family!